The Micro-Life
Erica J. Schmidt Erica J. Schmidt

The Micro-Life

I used to think it was important to be able to move in an Uber. And if you have ever gone through whirlwind stints of moving every three-weeks-to-every-three-months for any amount of time, perhaps you too have belonged to the two-and-a-half-suitcases club.

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Erica J. Schmidt Erica J. Schmidt


If I’m radically honest, when I first became an adult, I secretly harboured the dream that Oprah would somehow discover my raw and edgy sex-filled blog which she would adore and which would deliver me from my seventeen-and-a-half-part-time jobs that ranged from lifeguarding at a pool that kept springing a leak, to potty training gifted preschoolers to translating soothing sentences about emollient and foaming skin cleansers.

Meanwhile, I had not quite cultivated what the Sensitive New Age Peeps (SNAPs) would call a sense of abundance.

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